In compliance with the provisions contained in Article 15 of the Political Constitution, Law 1581 of 2012, Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, and other regulations that modify, add, complement or develop it, the company BRANDEX-GLOBAL S.A.S. BIC, hereinafter BRANDEX, committed to respect and guarantee the rights of its affiliates, suppliers, employees and third parties in general, discloses the policies and procedures for the treatment of personal data that are stored and guarded in our database, which are mandatory in all activities involving, This Personal Information Processing Policy is mandatory for BRANDEX, as the responsible party, as well as for all the allied companies, subsidiaries or companies that are part of the business group of BRANDEX.
This Policy for the Treatment of Personal Information is based on Article 15 of the Political Constitution, Law 1581 of 2012, Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, which provide:
Political Constitution
All persons have the right to their personal and family privacy and to their good name, and the State must respect them and ensure that they are respected. Likewise, they have the right to know, update and rectify the information that has been collected about them in data banks and in the files of public and private entities.
In the collection, processing and circulation of data, freedom and other guarantees enshrined in the Constitution shall be respected.Correspondence and other forms of private communication are inviolable. They may only be intercepted or recorded by court order, in the cases and with the formalities established by law.
For tax or judicial purposes and for cases of inspection, surveillance and intervention by the State, the presentation of accounting books and other private documents may be required, under the terms established by law.
Statutory Law 1581 of 2012
"Whereby general provisions are issued for the protection of personal data"
RegulatoryDecree1377 of 2013
"Whereby Law 1581 of 2012 is partially regulated"
Companyname: BRANDEX-GLOBAL S.A.S. BIC NIT. 900.209.047-1 Address: Cra. 42 51-14 in Itagüí E-mail: info@brandex.globalPágina web: THE PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING POLICYThepurpose of the Personal Data Processing Policy is to develop and make known to the general public the corporate and legal guidelines under which
BRANDEX carries out the processing of personal data, the purpose of the processing, the rights of the owners, as well as the internal and external procedures that exist for the exercise of such rights before
BRANDEX, among others.
Forthe purposes of the execution of this policy and in accordance with legal regulations, the following definitions shall be applicable:
Authorization: prior, express and informed consent of the Data Subject to carry out the Processing of personal data
;Database: Organized set of personal data that is subject to Processing;